Scientific committee
Scientific committee and evaluation of proposals:
- Camille Alloing, LabFluens
- Peggy Cadel, TransitionS
- Vincent Carlino, CREM and CHUS
- Andréa Catellani, LASCO
- Celine Cholet, CHUS, MICA and Arts et métiers
- Benjamin Ferron, CEDITEC
- Corinne Gendron, UQAM
- Béatrice Jalenques Vigouroux, LERASS,Lasco
- Emilie Kohlmann, Gresec
- Valérie Lehmann, UQAM.
- Clément Mabi, COSTECH
- Cyril Masselot, CIMEOS
- Nanta Novello Paglianti, CIMEOS
- Céline Pascual Espuny, IMSIC
- Sylvie Ollitrault, CNRS, EHESP
- Daniel Raichvarg, Cimeos
- Clément Roux, Carism
- Marine Siguier, UMR CNRS IDEES
- Albin Wagener, Rennes 2, INALCO
- Stéphanie Yates, UQAM
Paper proposals are evaluated double-blind by 2 members of the scientific committee.